Viewing stones

Rock viewing is a unique form of artistic enjoyment by artists Suiseki. The exquisite collection of different shaped socks, they enjoy as an elegant delicacy and treat them as priceless treasures.

For rock players, everyone knows rock is non-verbal but very charming. Love stone depends on the ability of each person. Who is “rock” is a stone look is not a stubborn, but sometimes very soft, hidden soul. Skin
Can talk to people, because of the full color shape so every stone is a story. If subtle, just change the direction of the sun or display space is changing the beauty of the stone.

“It is difficult to imagine the magic of nature when creating rock formations. Almost in the sky, there is a scene where the stone is shaped like that. Only fear that I do not have the charm to meet and keep the beautiful stone only “- said the words that Bui Duc Tam has said.

These are the experiences that have been inspiring when you look at the stones you can imagine. The sight of a fishing boat is back deep in the mountains, the scenery is high, far away on a river between the plateau, the scenery. Classic view like the house on the hill next to the waterfall.

The stone can be displayed on a shallow tray or sand with wooden or metal racks.

Rock appreciation is also an art form that reflects deep respect for “Mother Nature.” A stone is often displayed to suggest an aspect of things like mountains, waterfalls or caves. From that can make the soul of the human being more pleasant. It is a knife at the same time to test life, about time …

Humans have been fascinated by the stones for many years of history. Stone has been collected to decorate and preserve the spiritual meaning. The stability and long-term qualities have shown the immortality of stone in the grave.

The rocks are highly regarded in the Far East as art objects with different names such as:

Aiseki (Japan) – precious stones; Shang Shi (China) – elegant stone; Shang Sek (China) – interesting stone; Ya Sek (China) – elegant delicate; Suseok (Korea) – the stone of longevity.

This art form appreciates the natural beauty of the rock and is growing rapidly around the world. Even the amazing desert stones called the “noisy rock” are amazing, they are Found in Northern California.