Suiseki bonsai

Suiseki bonsai is a unique combination of miniature nature that reflects humanity in the aesthetic view of man, where people blow souls into the rock, enjoy the stone as a masterpiece that nature offers .

Suiseki is a work of nature but suiseki bonsai is a work that reflects the result of human wisdom. In the Chinese art circle, there is a saying, “An excellent work of art must come from nature and it must go beyond nature.” Suiseki bonsai is like it.

Bonsai suiseki is a classic and vast style, the theme is “江山 入 画图 画图”. In English, it means “thousands of miles of landscaping in bonsai.”

The combination of art and dreaming of Suiseki and Bonsai creates a true artwork. Add life to suiseki and the power of bonsai brings a sense of timeless beauty. Create harmony, reflect the spirit and simple forms of nature and bring aesthetic beauty unique ..

The combination of trees and suiseki is especially beneficial for both bonsai enthusiasts and suiseki lovers:
Bonsai is very young when combined with suiseki can enjoy earlier, the susceptibility to suiseki can be covered by bonsai. Moss or earth can be used to stabilize uneven rocks.

When used with bonsai, the best suiseki features are many natural slits, uneven contours and cracks, rough surfaces, weathering, rocks that can hold good soil and narrow slits. Used for attaching conduit tracks or anchors.

And the best bonsai such as: maple – easy roots, stone mold, mature trees or young plants; Dwarf varieties with many long, thin, flexible, even rooted, but slow growing plants.
Pine and spruce need less moisture, looks very attractive; Dwarf box, wood button, Japanese yew, Chinese juniper, juniper, cloves, cypress, pine.

Suiseki bonsai brings the viewer a rare soft look unique. It also symbolizes the strength and beauty of the natural landscape closely linked to the human spirit.

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